Play Up Request

Milton American adheres to Cal Ripken age guidelines. All players are expected to play in their age-appropriate division from T-Ball through Minors/Majors.

In certain cases, the Milton American Board may consider requests for players to "play up" to a division intended for older children.

The Board’s decision-making process has two main guidelines:

  1. Is there room to accommodate the play up without adversely impacting the experience of the players in their age-appropriate division?
  2. Is it safe for the younger player to compete with older, and potentially larger, players?

Please note the following without exception (May 1st in any year shall be the deciding date):

  1. Children younger than 4 years of age cannot play up to T-Ball.
  2. 9-year-olds (per Cal Ripken Age Guidelines) cannot play in the Majors/Minors.

To request a Play-up:

Parents should register for their child’s appropriate age division and then complete the form below. All Play-up requests will be reviewed by the Board and the families will be notified of the Board’s determination in a timely manner.

Play Up Type
select Header Cell #1
Player Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent Email
Request Reason
Please tell us more about this request
Required Fields